Cloud Storage

Trams | Econocom are experts in the field of content management. We can consult, build and install bespoke solutions or ready-made packages on private, public or hybrid storage.

Whether you are looking to move your workflow to the cloud, have tiered storage to reduce costs or provide your global workforce with access to a single library we can provide knowledgeable consultation, installation and support. With decades of experience and industry certifications, along with long-standing relationships with the largest suppliers in the world, we’re the ideal company to provide your data storage solution.

Tiered Storage

Tiered Storage is an ideal solution for companies looking to assign data across different storage media. By creating a hierarchy of content, companies can save money as data is assigned to different levels depending on their daily/weekly/yearly importance.

Standard configurations consist of a flash storage for easy access, while further less frequently required content is placed on a secondary storage such as tape, cloud or disk. The next tier, archive, would be for content which needs to be kept but required less frequently.

Public Cloud Storage

While the Public Cloud is held on a server it is seen as a virtual storage solution which delivers access to content wherever you are in the world… as long as you have internet access!

The Public Cloud is seen as a way for enterprises to scale IT resources on demand, without having to maintain onsite servers, applications or R&D. With numerous companies utilising the Pay As You Go pricing structure it is seen by many companies as a way to decrease direct overheads which some enterprises see as an attractive and more flexible financial model.

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Private Cloud Storage

We have assisted a number of companies, in enterprise, fashion and banking with their private cloud. Private Cloud solutions, hosted on-site, allows a company to create and utilise their own cloud computing. This allows employees across various locations to benefit from a sole storage, behind a company Firewall.

With a companywide Private Cloud, it allows companies to host large files and download limitless times without fear of large egress costs normally associated with Public Cloud.

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Hybrid Cloud is the best of both worlds! With a combination of Private, on-site, and Public Cloud it allows companies to store their data effectively and improve long-term costs. By allowing workflows to move between Private and Public Clouds as needs change, it allows the business to have greater flexibility when dealing with projects, whilst behind the security of the company firewall.

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67%of Enterprise Infrastructure  will be cloud-based by 2020
40Zettabytes of data will be flowing through cloud servers by 2020
8Cloud Services providers we work with, incl. AWS, Azure & Google.


As a Titanium Partner, Trams|Econocom works with Dell to deliver solutions and technology for your employees. 

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Veeam provides a single platform for modernising backup, accelerating the hybrid cloud and securing your data.

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